Enjoy the best and leave the worst.Mana-mana yang melarakan di blog ini;boleh campak jauh-jauh =,= Kita semua ada tanggungjawab :DD

Friday, 19 June 2009

First post..

boring..K is not there.alone~walk around dream land ~_~ frankly,dh jadi emo..
main klik2 links yg ade.Hlovate's there..versus becomes my stairs to start a new lala land [hlovate's fans]

silence is loud

sumbat telinga dengan lagu2 yg tak pernah dengar.I know i'm not budak yang up to date..~_~ Mcr dengan 80's punye songs..still boring.try ost my girl.sounds better..

dah sampai masa

start a new blog.where i can shout.where i can scream.where i can share what do i feel.hope korang suka..this is the starting~

[grea's the teller]


  1. this blog is about ur own life or about ur en-novel/e-cerpen? :D

  2. nieh blog novel or personal??
    nk benci vs suka..

  3. nak benci vs suka gakkkkk!!!!
